
These are the stories I hear all. the. time.

Tell me if you can relate...


~You struggle with various aches, pains or other health issues that never seem to resolve

~You go to the doctor hoping to walk out with an answer only to walk out with a referral to another doctor--or 5

~Every doctor you visit is a specialist and as such their myopic view doesn't offer a full view of what could be going on with ALL of YOU (the old, "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" bit.)

~You get ALL the tests, xrays and MRI's but no conclusive answers or further guidance

~Meds or physical therapy only provide temporary relief, if any

~You hardly know what questions to ask, relying on and certain that your doctor will eventually come up with THE answer so you're willing to wait out the follow-ups, but...

~You're exhausted and discouraged with all the waiting and running around to your many appointments to no avail

~You feel limited that you can only get treatment based on what referrals you can get and what your insurance company allows...



~You're in pain and fear making it worse so you don't do anything, waiting for it to just go away

~You think there must be more you can do for yourself, but after scouring the interwebs you feel more lost than ever on what to try, so you don't try anything

~You exercise, eat well, practice healthy habits and you're doing "all" the things but feel like you're just missing some angle and wish you had a fresh pair of eyes to help you see it...


~You gradually succumb to and normalize feeling in pain and unwell, frustrated, confused or just downright defeated and think, "This is just the way it is." "I must just be getting old." "I have -x- condition, it's just part of who I am and I'll just have to deal with it forever and ever" and heave a big sigh...

Perhaps resigning to that last thought seems easier and so goes your life.

(Hey, that's fine! No judgment.)

Or perhaps there are other ways that you're willing to consider.

If that's you, you're in the right place!


Hey There!

I'm Cheryl

I help proactive, self-motivated individuals like you become their own best PCP (Primary Care PERSON) by connecting and engaging with their bodies so they can move better, reduce aches and pains and restore agency over their health and well-being with ease and confidence.

Who Am I & What is Health Coaching?

Rosalie says...

"Cheryl is a beautiful angel with healing hands, a warm and intelligent lady with remarkable knowledge of nutrition and health."